Java problem

Knute Johnson knute at
Sat Dec 29 23:04:36 UTC 2007

>> Actually, Sun's Java is very easy to install and configure on both 32 
>> and 64 bit.  The only real problem is the lack of a 64bit browser 
>> plugin and as far as I can tell nspluginwrapper doesn't work with the 
>> 32bit version.
>> I did a short page on how to set up Sun's Java on F8;
>I agree with the following notations...
>you should probably install the compat-libstdc++-33 PRIOR to installing
>the Sun JRE/JDK shouldn't you? If you do a 'yum localinstall
>jre/jdk-VERSION' it will automatically install requisite packages such
>as the compaat-libstdc++-33

I works if you do it after, I never tried before.

>Your notations don't provide methodologies for setting
>JAVA_HOME/JRE_HOME/CLASSPATH environment variables which are necessary
>for virtually everything other than the java web browser plugin. This of
>course was the crux of the OP - java's bin isn't installed in a users

If you use the JPackage none of that is required.  In fact setting 
the CLASSPATH is almost never required in any installation.

Knute Johnson
Molon Labe...

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