The Case of the Missing Characters

Cameron Simpson cs at
Fri Feb 2 03:47:35 UTC 2007

On 02Feb2007 14:08, Tim <ignored_mailbox at> wrote:
| On Thu, 2007-02-01 at 19:39 -0700, kuiskers wrote:
| You don't have to type where the cursor lands.  When I write a reply,
| the first thing I do is usually to start removing things that don't need
| quoting.  So cursor positioning is generally unimportant.
| The norm on this list is "interspersed" replies (you write directly
| below what you're responding, throughout the e-mail, as I'm dong).
| Bottom-posting, as Cameron called it, is something different again.

Only in the minimal form. I go for interspersed as well, but I call it
bottom posting because at least it conveys the interspersal order:-(
Editing the quoted stuff for relevance is such a basic level of courtesy
that it should got without saying. However I know from bitter daily
experience that this is not so for others.

Cameron Simpson <cs at> DoD#743

You Know You're in the SCA When...
        ...the tunes you unconsciously hum are in Latin.
                - Cailfind ingen Grainne

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