Switching to KDM with FC6

Martin Marques martin at bugs.unl.edu.ar
Tue Feb 6 11:26:39 UTC 2007

Gueckel, P. escribió:
> And an important word of WARNING when updating to kde-redhat.
> Don't forget to install kdebase-kdm!
> Unfortunately, it is not listed as a dependency, but if you don't get it, when 

Why should there be a dependency to install kdebase-kdm? Do the other 
packages not work if it's not installed?

What would be nice is a meta-package (one that really doesn't contain 
more then a few doc files) that would have dependencies on all kde 
packages. So it you want to install ALL kde, you just have to install 
the meta-package, and dependencies will do the rest.

select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar' AS email;
Martín Marqués          |   Programador, DBA
Centro de Telemática	|     Administrador
                Universidad Nacional
                     del Litoral

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