Auto mail bouncer for testing

Mike McCarty Mike.McCarty at
Tue Feb 13 09:30:24 UTC 2007

James Wilkinson wrote:
> Mike McCarty wrote:
>>Are you suggesting that people use these so-called throw-away
>>mail accounts? I looked into that, and the privacy policies I
>>saw on those accounts convinced me that using one was a sure
>>way to having one's activities on the net be monitored, and
>>information be captured and retained by "third parties".
> There are legitimate privacy concerns about using services such as
> Gmail, which means that many people choose not to use them as their main
> e-mail account.

In order to use the ones I investigated, one must permit placement
of third-party permanent cookies.

> But that doesn't mean you can't have one and use it for purposes you
> consider not to be sensitive. For example, if you're just testing an
> e-mail server, all "they" can tell is that you might have some sort of
> connection with that server.

Any time any website wants to retrieve those cookies, it can.

> I use my Gmail account for Fedora lists -- it's no secret that I'm on
> this list!

Explain how to use it without exposing my machine to cookie placement
which can be used by third parties, and I'll reconsider.

> In any case, in most countries, your online activities can be monitored
> and all e-mails logged by court order anyway.

I don't know of any country where such a thing is illegal even
with court order.

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