
Roberto Malinverni roberto.malinverni at dico.coop.it
Thu Feb 15 15:47:16 UTC 2007

Does anybody knows where I can find a descriptions of the use of the
/etc/sysconfig/kernel file and of its syntax?
Googling around I've found some fragments of information, but really not
The file should be involved in determining the default kernel flavour when
installing a new one, in the selection of kernel modules during the initrd
cration, and so on. It is modified by the %post script of the
kernel/kernel-devel packages.
I couldn't find a list of all the options it can set, nor of their meaning.
Also, the file isn't owned by any installed rpm, so how and when it is
Roberto Malinverni

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|  |\           |\  /|           |    rmalinverni at netscape.net    |
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|  |\oberto     |    |alinverni  |   daneel971  fedoraforum.org   |
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