Locate with exclude?

Steve Searle steve at stevesearle.com
Sun Feb 18 13:01:40 UTC 2007

Around 11:08am on Sunday, February 18, 2007 (UK time), Anne Wilson scrawled:

> I wouldn't have guessed that.  I've not come across 'grep -v' before, but it's 
> one worth remembering, thanks.

Off topic, but a neat trick when grepping your processes to find
information about one is to use "ps auxw | grep processName | grep -v

This only lists the process(es) you want, and not the grep command
itself which would otherwise would also be picked up.  Its doesn't
reallu matter, but it is a little more elegant.



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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