ESR: Goodbye Fedora

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at
Thu Feb 22 07:11:33 UTC 2007

Tom Horsley wrote:

>>> Well, whatever undocumented crap it does that allows both i386 and
>>> x86_64 rpms to install "the same" files (which are in fact obviously
>>> different) is clearly a wart about the size of the titanic.  
>> No, that's a feature and it lets you run packages that haven't been 
>> rebuilt for x86_64 and need 32 bit libraries (what, you have a single 
>> source for software?).
> I'm talking far more insane stuff than that. Things like foobar.i386.rpm
> and foobar.x86_64.rpm both being installed at the same time and both
> "owning" the file /usr/bin/foobar when you can look at /usr/bin/foobar
> and see that it is clearly an x86_64 executable and did not under
> any circumstances come from foobar.i386.rpm.
> This became far more obvious in FC6 when the default x86_64 install
> seemed to also install every single version of the corresponding i386
> package as well (libraries I can understand, but this is junk like
> utility programs which couldn't possibly need to have a 32 bit version
> installed).

Not sure what's wrong there, but I don't think it is inherent in yum or 
rpm. I have CentOS x86_64 installs that seem to have the right things 
except for the accidental inclusion of perl.i386 in the initial release.

    Les Mikesell
     lesmikesell at

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