ESR: Goodbye Fedora

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Thu Feb 22 23:26:55 UTC 2007

Martin Marques writes:

> On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>> "Red Hat/Fedora throw away what was at one time a near-unassailable lead in 
>> technical prowess..."
>> Five-seven years ago, rpm was, hands down, the technically superior package 
>> management system.  But it failed to keep up with the times.  Rather than 
>> fixing fundamental defects in rpm, instead they put a big layer of makeup on 
>> it: yum, and its plugins.  But it's a still a big piece of turd underneath, 
>> and it's getting to the point where no amount of makeup will help.
> Tell me how you can install/upgrade packages, with it's dependencies just 
> using rpm (no yum, smart or apt)?

Not sure I understand what you're trying to say.  If you want to know why 
seven years ago (or so) none of that was necessary, it was simply because 
things were much simpler back then.  Red Hat Linux fit on a single CD. There 
were maybe 2-3 errata updates per week.  There weren't really any external 
repositories.  No Extras, no Livna.  Interpackage dependencies were much 
more simples.  99.9% of the time, downloading the errata and running rpm -F 
was all that was needed.

Things became complicated over the years, and rpm simply have not kept pace.

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