Iptables logged data?

Bob Goodwin bobgoodwin at wildblue.net
Thu Feb 8 19:47:05 UTC 2007

Can someone explain the meaning of this?

 --------------------- iptables firewall Begin ------------------------ 

 Logged 130 packets on interface eth0
   From - 18 packets to igmp(0) udp(5353) 
   From - 70 packets to igmp(0) udp(5353) 
   From - 42 packets to udp(5353) 
 ---------------------- iptables firewall End ------------------------- 

Iptables is configured by Firestarter and 'restricted by default.' 

Port 5353 is not shown as open and identifies these as UDP/Mdns 
events.   I see it logged everyday but I don't know what it means?

Bob Goodwin

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