yum be killing me, this is totally strange... totally

David Timms dtimms at iinet.net.au
Fri Jan 5 13:49:28 UTC 2007

Ric Moore wrote:
> [root at iam log]# rpm -qa |grep kmod-nvidia
> kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-
> kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-   <---- oh hell! Got TWO of
> them installed!!
> [root at iam log]# rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{ARCH} \\n" |
> grep kmod-nvidia | sort
> kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-i686
> kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-i686 <---tried something I got off the web.
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-i686 <---tried to erase it
> error: package kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-i686 is not installed  <-- no go
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-i686 
> error: package kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-i686 is not installed <--still nogo
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631- <--good!
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631- <--huh?
> error: package kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631- is not installed
> [root at iam log]# rpm -qa |grep kmod-nvidia
> kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631- <--- still got one it seems
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631-
> error: package kmod-nvidia-1.0.9631- is not installed
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e kmod-nvidia
> error: Failed dependencies:
>         nvidia-kmod >= 1.0.9631 is needed by (installed)
> xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-1.0.9631-1.lvn6.i386
> [root at iam log]# rpm -e --nodeps kmod-nvidia
> [root at iam log]#
> I finally got the sucker, but I have no clue how I got two of 'em. I
> noticed that Croquet was flickering HUGELY and I knew it tasked the hell
> out of the gpu and that my nVidia driver had to be screwed. Then I found
> this going on. Now I'm gonna install it again. It might have gotten
> installed by some secret yum miracle when my kernel was updated, but it
> still shouldn't have been installed twice by anything. I was and still
> remain clueless. Ric 
I wonder Seth's dupes-cli.py would find and manage to remove the duplicate ?

I have had used this on various machines to find an remove duped 
packages. The situation that caused the duplicates seems to be an rpm 
uninstall script that failed / rpm stuck and nuked. This left packages 
mostly removed from disk but not from the rpm database, from what I 

You may be able to work out when things went wrong by perusing the 


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