Can't run x things over ssh link

Rick Sewill rsewill at
Tue Jan 30 02:21:52 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-01-29 at 20:27 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >By default, ssh doesn't do X forwarding any longer.  Use the "-X" or
> >"-Y" options to ssh,
> >or turn on "ForwardX11Trusted" in your ssh_config. 
> >
> That's what was puzzling Rick, ForwardX11Trusted, was already 'yes', both 
> here and on the machine I was accessing.

Do you have "ForwardX11Trusted" in your local ~/.ssh/config file
and is it being used when you access the remote machine?

ssh should pattern match against all the "Host name" entries, 
using the earliest matched entries first.

The "Host *" represents the default and should be last in ~/.ssh/config

If you do "ssh -v -v -v name", it should say something like:
debug1: Reading configuration data /home/rsewill/.ssh/config

If I construct my ~/.ssh/config file, and have ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/config
have the correct file permissions, as follows:

Host laptop laptop-* *-laptop *-laptop-*
	HostKeyAlias laptop
	HostName laptop
	IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa-home
	User rsewill

Host x11 x11-* *-x11 *-x11-*
	ForwardX11 yes
	ForwardX11Trusted yes

Host *
	Cipher blowfish
	Compression yes
	ForwardX11 no
	ForwardX11Trusted no
	GatewayPorts no
	IdentitiesOnly yes
	MACs hmac-sha1
	PasswordAuthentication no
	Protocol 2
	PubkeyAuthentication yes

I can then do:
rsewill at rsewill:~ <2:3> $ ssh laptop
Last login: Mon Jan 29 20:09:46 2007 from
rsewill at laptop:~ <1:1> $ echo $DISPLAY

rsewill at laptop:~ <1:2> $ exit
rsewill at rsewill:~ <2:4> $ ssh laptop-x11
Last login: Mon Jan 29 20:11:49 2007 from
rsewill at laptop:~ <1:13> $ echo $DISPLAY
rsewill at laptop:~ <1:14> $ 

Only in the second case, is X forwarding enabled.

Rick Sewill

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