Presto repositories for FC6, F7 and Rawhide back up.

Andre Robatino (arobatino) no-reply-gw at
Mon Jul 30 06:56:02 UTC 2007

> I had the presto plugin installed and enabled but nothing
> was happening at that front. The deltaurl line was mentioned in
> the plugin config but was not being used which I presume is a bug.

  I added the deltaurl line in presto.conf, under the [updates]
section, in F7, and it just works (note that the [updates] line must
also be uncommented, maybe you forgot this?).  I know it's not
recommended to use presto.conf, but I'm expecting that when F8
comes out it won't be necessary to configure anything, and in
the meantime this is the path of least resistance (it's not
likely there will be more than one server for FC6/F7, anyway).

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