Wireless switch and laptop

Hansen mht at alfansa.org
Mon Jul 16 12:15:59 UTC 2007

Thanks for your reply, but I think this is not about wireless driver,
much about input device, in this case wireless switch. Bluetooth use
this switch too and can switch on-off with that.

If this help, I get this kernel message:
    kernel: iwl3945: Radio Frequency Kill Switch is On:
    kernel: Kill switch must be turn off for wireless networking work
when wireless switch goes off, and nothing mentioned about wireless when
turn on again.

Maybe I'm wrong ;-)

On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 12:27 +0100, Ian Malone wrote:
> I've encountered the 'where do I file a bug for this device'
> quandary too.  The best solution is probably to ask at
> the forum or mailing list for the driver you're using.
> Even the problem is in HAL or udev instead they'll be
> able to tell you that.
> -- 
> imalone
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