yum, rpm, pirut, pup won't run on FC6

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Tue Jun 19 14:59:10 UTC 2007

At 9:01 AM -0400 6/19/07, Eric wrote:
>At 01:34 AM 6/19/2007, Tony Nelson wrote:
> >> Maybe do `lsof | grep __db` first?
>Good morning, Tony.
>I did that.  There are four such files:  __db.000 through __db.003.  Of
>those, only __db.000 is closed; the others are open.

The output from lsof includes the command.  Some RPM-using thing is running.

>But, I can't find
>anything in "ps aux" that looks like it might use rpm, not that I am
>exactly up to speed on everything that might user rpm.  I know that yum,
>yum_updatesd, and probably pup and pirut, all use rpm, but don't know if
>anything else does.

Punt.  Reboot.

>By the way, yum_updatesd is not running.  I have it shut down because the
>machine is located remotely (on the other side of the next city over from
>here), I won't necessarily see notifications that updates are available,
>and anyway I don't want to just blindly update everything; I'd rather
>update only those things that need updating, mostly security-related stuff.
>Should I try to run rpm -rebuilddb in the state the machine is in now, or
>should I perhaps reboot first, and then delete those __db.00x files?

Rebooting will delete the old files.

>need to drive over to the co-location facility to do that, but I guess I
>can do that if need be.

What about just ssh'ing in and issuing a reboot command?  I don't
administer any hardware servers, but it works fine for Qemu and for remote
Xen servers.  For that matter, I've also done `ifdown eth0 ; sleep 3 ; ifup
eth0` on the Qemu server.  The ssh connection isn't affected.)

> >> When RPM seems to stop working, the locks are the most likely issue
>Just to clarify, then, are the __db.00x files the lock files?  I thought of
>lock files but looked through /var/lock (where I would have expected such
>files to be) and didn't see anything that was likely to be relevant.

AIUI, the __db.000 file contains many things, including kernel locks.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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