F7: Evolution constantly crashing

Rodolfo Alcazar Portillo rodolfo.alcazar at padep.org.bo
Thu Jun 28 11:20:31 UTC 2007

Am Donnerstag, den 28.06.2007, 16:24 +0930 schrieb Tim: 
> On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 12:29 -0400, Rodolfo Alcazar Portillo wrote:
> > I had the problem until last week, when I changed the automatic search
> > of POP3s mails (4 accounts) from each minute to ten.
> Hmm, I can imagine a few ISPs regarding polling their servers once a
> minute to be excessive.  If enough of their clients did the same thing
> it'd be a DoS.

First: A couple of times I experienced as working in Evolution, that it
behaves as hanging up (swap use grows a lot), top reports more than 90%
of "MEM" use, dont know if that includes swap. That finishes in about 30
seconds. Read below my assumption, please.

Oh, yea, of course, with external ISPs, that would be a DoS. But I have
no external accounts but google, from which my evolution pick messages
every hour (always). These are my accounts: /var/spool/mail/rodolfoap,
rodolfo.alcazar at padep.org.bo, sistemas at padep.org.bo, being padep.org.bo
my mailserver, in my local network; 4. An another enterprise page's
webmaster (webmaster at forodac.org.bo) , staying forodac.org.bo also in my
local network.

(and 5, google, but that doesn't count, always was set for an hour).

As you see, all are local mailservers. My perception is that
spamassassin was loading more and more the CPU, caused by evolution.
When I was picking up my mail every minute, maybe spamassasin's load was
growing and growing. Then arrives the next minute and the consequential
picking up, finishing loading more and more the processor. Unique
solution by that time, pkill evolution.

Anyway, my problem is solved, picking up mail every 15/30 minutes,
depending of the importance of the account. Iwould be happy knowing the
root of the problem.

Good luck.
Rodolfo Alcazar - rodolfo.alcazar at padep.org.bo
591-70656800, -22417628, LA PAZ, BOLIVIA
otbits.blogspot.com / counter.li.org: #367962
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Groucho Marx

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