Does anyone understand xauth?

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Tue Mar 20 16:43:03 UTC 2007

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> I'm trying to get Bluetooth (bluez) running on my computer,
> and I see in the rather sparse documentation
> a suggestion that one should give the command "xhosts +".
This will let anyone on your computer connect to the X server - OK
on a home system, I guess, but bad security.

> As far as I can see, xhosts has been replaced
> (everywhere, or just in Fedora?) by xauth.
> I looked at "man xauth", which I suspect was written by aliens,
> but I couldn't see what could take the place of "xhosts +".
> Can anyone enlighten me?
The default setup only accepts X connections from the local
computer. You can change this in System --> Administration --> Login
Screen --> Security --> Deny TCP connections to Xserver.

I am not sure how to enable Xauth for a Bluetooth device. Normally,
you would ether add its "magic cookie" to .Xauthority using xauth,
or give it a copy of your "magic cookie". But I don't think that
works here. Turning on TCP connections should make "xhost +" work
for you, so you can at least get started. You are probably going to
want to be more specific about who/what can connect after you are
sure the rest works.


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