Can't get NetworkManager to configure ntp

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Sat Mar 3 20:56:03 UTC 2007

I'm trying to convert from static host configurations to dhcp.  My 
understanding is that on dhcp clients I should remove my ntp server from 
ntp.conf, with the understanding that when the network interface is set up 
by dhcp, the dhcp-provided option setting will be used by 
NetworkManager/dhclient to add the network's ntp server to ntp.conf. 
Everything works except for this part.  When I plug the cable into the 
network port, the machine gets its IP address from the dhcp server, gets the 
nameservers from the dhcp server, but for some reason ntp.conf remains 

My dhcpd.conf reads:

host t43 {
        hardware ethernet 00:11:25:B1:40:60;

# This is the dhcp client I'm configuring

subnet netmask {

        option subnet-mask    ;

        deny unknown-clients;

        option routers        ;
        option domain-name-servers;
        option ntp-servers    ;

. . .

When I plug it in, the machine gets its IP address, router IP, and DNS ip, 
but ntp.conf does not get updated.

How do I debug this?  I tried stracing the NetworkManager process, but I 
cannot see it forking/cloning/execing dhclient and dhclient-script.

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