A firefox secret

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 20:35:37 UTC 2007

On 17/03/07, Scott van Looy <scott at ethosuk.org.uk> wrote:
> > I know that. But when I'm wearing me "end user" hat, I don't care
> > about technical reasons. I want things to work.
> That's nice, but you're blaming the wrong people. :P

No, I'm not. A web browser is a client-side app, therefore it should
do what the client wants. Even if web designers used px measurements,
the browser should override that with the user's preference. The term
"large fonts" means "make the fonts bigger than they normally would
be", not "make some of the fonts bigger than they normally would be".

Dotan Cohen


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