Moving "/" what are the chances of this working?

Tony Nelson tonynelson at
Mon May 14 14:51:08 UTC 2007

At 10:39 PM -0600 5/13/07, clemens at wrote:
>I have just run out of space on a 10GB root file system for Fedora6
>(my /home and /usr/local are on separate partitions).
>I have decided that in the future I will allocate 20GB partitions
>for Fedura (sigh)... I can remember when it fit in 5GB,
>HELL I can remember when all of UNIX fit on a 5MB disk on a
>OK, so here is my question.
>I have a unused 10GB partition just ahead and just behind the 
>Fedora6 partition.  But I know of no Partition-Magic like process
>that could combine them.  IS THERE ANYTHING I dont know
>2nd choice.
>I have a couple of 10GB partitions elsewhere on the disk (that I
>was saving for updates to Fedora).  I am willing to combine them,
>giving a 20GB partition.  If I were to do that, format the new partition,
>and then tar->tar the current Fedora partition into the new partition,
>what are the chances that I will be able to BOOT the new partition???
>ANYTHING you can suggest to get either of these schemes to go.

Todd suggests that you may have unexpected files.  Use this to find out
where the space went:

    du -mx --max-depth=1 /

and work your way down.  If it's /var/cache/yum, possibly a "yum clean
packages" is in order.  You might consider backing them up first, as if you
ever need to reinstall an old version it won't be in the repos anymore.

If that's not it, and you want to move /, here's what I've done for FC5 and
FC6.  The LVM stuff isn't important.


How to copy /:

I use cpio to copy my installation from one volume to another on the
same machine, in preparation for upgrading versions.  There are a shared
/boot basic partition, other MSWindows partitions, and LVM volumes. 
My procdeure is:

    Make a new LVM partition and filesystem the same size as original.
    Boot from (FC5) rescue CD so the source filesystem is not active.
    mkdir /mnt/new
    mount /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 /mnt/new
    cd /mnt/sysimage
    find . -depth -noleaf -xdev -print0 | cpio -dumpa0 --sparse /mnt/new
    vi /mnt/new/fstab           # edit to refer to LogVol02
    touch /mnt/new/.autorelabel
    vi boot/grub/grub.conf      # add new stanza for same kernel new LVM
    umount /mnt/new
    Boot new installation, appending kernel option "enforcing=0".

Dump and Restore should also work, and can copy Extended Attributes as
used by SELinux.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at>
      '                              <>

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