HowTo list all shared library used from a binary command

Andreas Bernauer fedora at
Wed May 16 13:33:33 UTC 2007

Dario Lesca wrote on Wed, May 16 2007 at 11:00 (+0200):
> Hi, with ldd I can see the shared library use by a binary file.
> It is possible to get all library Dependency for all library used by
> binary file?

Not that I am aware of.  How about a script that does that for you?  I
just wrote one in perl

===File ~/root/bin/
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# recursive ldd: calls ldd, parses its output, recalls ldd on each
# output library until all dependencies are resolved.

my @check_queue = ();		# libs to check
my %checked_libs = ();		# libs already checked.
my %result = ();		# result
my $lib;			# current dependency library

$ENV{"LC_CTYPE"}="C";		# we match against English output of ldd

push @check_queue, @ARGV;

while (@check_queue) {
  my $to_check = pop @check_queue;
  if (exists $checked_libs{$to_check}) {
  } else {
    $checked_libs{$to_check} = 1;

  my @libraries = `ldd $to_check`;
  foreach my $line (@libraries) {
    chomp $line;
    if ($line =~ / => (\S+) \(/		   # mapped libraries
	or $line =~ /(\S+) \(/) {          # directly resolved libraries
      $lib = $1;
      $result{$lib} = 1;
      push @check_queue, $lib;
    } elsif ($line eq "\tstatically linked" # no library
	     or $line eq"\tnot a dynamic executable"
#	     or $line =~ /^.*:$/
	    or $line =~ / {  #
    } elsif ($line =~ /not found/) {
      print STDERR "$to_check: $line\n";
    } else {
      print STDERR "no match for '$line'\n";

#print "Dependencies:\n";
for (sort keys %result) {
  print $_, "\n";

exit 0;



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