real basic wireless access question!!

bruce bedouglas at
Thu May 24 18:48:59 UTC 2007


I'm embarrased to be here asking! I have Fedora/Centos on a laptop. I'm
trying to figure out what/how i need to do to be able to access an access
point from my local library.

I can do a "iwlist ath0 scan", and I see a list of the access points.

I try to choose one, and do the "iwconfig ath0 ESSID 'foo'" and then I
stop/restart everything. I also make sure I'm using the dhcp server for all
information for the laptop "dhclient ath0".

However, I can never get access to the network, or get the 'net via the
library's access point.

Any thoughts/comments/help would be greatly appreciated!



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