Plague running, Plague status, Plague development, Plague alternatives

Erik Wasser erik.wasser at
Sat May 26 16:24:41 UTC 2007

Hello list,

I'm trying to use plague on my system because I want to build RPM for 
different plattforms with mock and plague seems to be a cool add on for 

The version 0.4.4 seems pretty too old to use to I switched to 0.5.0 
from December last year. (All infos from the plague project homepage

The documentation for the page is for 0.4.4 and the configuration files 
changed with the CVS version:

% /usr/bin/plague-builder -c /etc/plague/builder/plague-builder.cfg
[...python stack trace...]
plague.BaseConfig.ConfigError: Config 
file /etc/plague/builder/plague-builder.cfg does not have option: 

I grepped the complete CVS source for the string 'comm_type' but it was 
in vain. I don't find an example how to use this option so I'm stucked 

My question:

a) Is plague the right tool - besides of mock "pure" - for building RPMs 
for different architectures? Are they (GUI) alternatives?

b) What about the development status for plague? December 2006 and, I 
quote the homepage again: "Current head branch is 0.5.0 and has some 
stability issues." seems a little bit slow. I'm just curious. B-)

c) Is someone on this list using plague? Which version? I'm interesting 
in a set of working configurations file.

Greetings and thanks for your work

So long... Fuzz

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