r300 driver stability

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Thu May 31 11:11:03 UTC 2007

> If it only affected high resolution monitors, I could live with it,
> since I'm not likely to go above 1280x1024 in the foreseeable future.
> But I've just found a message of yours in this list from last August,
> stating

All the reports in the associated bugzilla seem to indicate it is
high res widescreen monitors only (and maybe only DVI output) that
have the problem. 1280x1024 should be fine. And of course, many
people have no problem even with high-res monitors, seems to be
a somewhat random problem.

> | On x86_64, I have never yet seen DRI working correctly in the open source
> | radeon driver, so basically there is no ATI 3D on x86_64. The fglrx driver
> | worked for a while, but the most recent ones hard hang the system whenever
> | I exit the X server, so that's not much funn.
> I don't care much about the fglrx driver, but if the open source
> driver doesn't work on  x86_64, then I may be better off with a very
> low end NVidia card, occasionally trying out noveau or NV's driver but
> generally not putting much hope into 3D.

That was a while back, the open source driver works fine these days,
especially on fedora 7 where I tried out the test4 release.

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