I love IP Tables....

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Thu May 31 03:10:35 UTC 2007

From: "Les" <hlhowell at pacbell.net>

> Agreed, but when schools are dropping laptop support because they say it
> "impeded education", how on earth can we get people educated about what
> the computer can and cannot do, and how to use it appropriately.
>    There are basic skills necessary for life in the modern world, such
> as taxes, driving, and computing among others that are poorly addressed
> by our schools.  Not just in the US, but world wide from what I can
> tell.  How will that change by passing a law that persecutes people for
> ignorance when the folks responsible for removing ignroance don't have
> the basic knowledge required?

Way off topic there, Les, but that should surprise you? Schools seem to
be propaganda pushers rather than education and critical thinking pushers.
It's not surprising that they shirk responsibilities. Some schools have even
tried to cut out drivers education, I understand. Driving computers safely
needs education, too. It should not require MUCH education, probably less
than is involved in Drivers Ed. But some is needed.

Another subject schools seem not to touch is "scam" education. Teach the
kids how pyramid, pigeon drop, and other scams work so that when they
see it they are innoculated against it.


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