stupid bash tricks (how to loop on the command line)

Jose Celestino japc at
Thu Nov 8 17:45:53 UTC 2007

Words by aragonx at [Thu, Nov 08, 2007 at 12:44:27PM -0500]:
> Okay, I saw a neat trick at work the other day.  A coworker somehow got
> the shell to do looping without creating a file.  I believe he was using
> csh to do so and I was wondering if I could do the same thing in bash. 
> Basically I would like to be able to do a while loop to execute a df
> command.
> Any ideas?

$ while  [ 1 ] ; do df ; sleep 1 ;done


Jose Celestino
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"And on the trillionth day, Man created Gods." -- Thomas D. Pate

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