Security basics

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Fri Oct 5 00:56:50 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 15:46 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
> Until you can convince me that my system is at risk from ssh when 
> using a real password I am going to sleep well. 

The problem with that, initially, is that ssh will let someone
repeatedly try to log in, without complain.  You'd need some additional
software to auto-ban repeated fails (mentioned elsewhere in this thread,
and others like it).

It is a bit CPU-intensive for your SSH to do the usual checks as someone
logs on.  You can see that when you log in over SSH, yourself, it takes
a while to respond.  If you didn't do the auto-banning thing, one hacker
can increase the work load on your PC; perhaps significantly.

If you were getting a plethora of connection attempts from different
sources, then firewalling would be the way to go (only allow through
connections from some trusted locations, rather than try to go banning
the problem ones).  The workload for firewalling this will be less than
the workload for the SSH server trying to authenticate each attempt,
failed or otherwise.

(This box runs FC5, my others run FC4 & FC6, in case that's
 important to the thread.)

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