The case against NetworkManager

Andy Green andy at
Tue Oct 9 15:05:41 UTC 2007

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
>> Yes you're right about that.  However, DHCP is universally what you find
>> at WiFi hotspots.  When NetworkManager and the drivers work in some kind
>> of harmony, the end result of picking APs off a list and getting on with
>> credentials through nm-applet or knetworkmanager is quite beautiful.  NM
> Not really. Its vulnerable to trivial attacks. Just set up a fake base
> station that changes MAC and identifier every packet it sends, then send
> about 50K packets/second. Enjoy the resulting hell.
> Now remember I can carry that fake AP device in my pocket wherever I
> go.

Well fair enough, but whatever it is doing in response to that can be
fixed one way or another, and the rest of the functionality I described
will still be beautiful.  It's presumably not an architectural flaw?

Maybe the results aren't such a slag heap of death, but there is an app
"mdk" that will deassociate everyone in range... you can keep that in
your other pocket.

> The N800 is also partially vulnerable to attacks but the attack and UI
> issues are really different things.

I have the older N770 and that has always worked really nicely, except
it seems it can't transmit anywhere near as far as it can hear, leading
to much disappointment if the AP is a bit too far away.


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