2.6.23 kernel

Res res at ausics.net
Thu Oct 11 21:50:52 UTC 2007

On Thu, 11 Oct 2007, Aly Dharshi wrote:

>> ummmm when your responsible for what I am, yeah, because I'm paid to not 
>> have things fuck up, but since we moved all servers to Slackware, we've 
>> never had a single hiccup, so I aint had to any problems in years.
>> for fucks sake, RH cant even sort out their own rsync servers, why would I 
>> try trusting them again, its a complete joke, and the funny thing is, the 
>> same person resposible for it is probably still in that job
> 	Which is why you would run something like RHEL for production

No.... Its exactly why I dont run it. I've used RHEL, RHES and more 
recently the RHEL clone CentOS, they are all still bloated to buggery, 
unnecessary crud = unnecessary risks, Once a Slackware server is installed 
it rarely needs to be touched, only if we want to put a new kernel in, or 
the once in a blue moon security update, which is rare because of the 
non-bloatness and non-butchering, slackware is essentially a install and 
forget, it gives us more time to do new projects.



Slackware -V- sloooUbuntoooou

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