Dependencies missing ??

Dave Burns tburns at
Thu Oct 25 19:01:03 UTC 2007

> Again, pure luck that when you did it, the mirror manager directed you
> to a repository that had the _complete set_ (!) of updates already and
> not just the new firefox [1]:

I am still not understanding either what the problem was or how to
work around it. Was it that people experiencing this problem updated
from repositories that had the new firefox but did not have updates
for all the things (e.g. epiphany) that might depend on gecko-libs? So
we should've tried to figure out what installed packages depend on
gecko-libs and look for updates for all of them? Was there something
on those pages you mention above that should've implied this to me? Or
should I have understood this from the original error messages, e.g.
> "Error: Missing Dependency: gecko-libs = is needed by package
> epiphany"


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