Found left trouble

Alan M. Evans fedoralist at
Thu Oct 4 23:09:31 UTC 2007

On Thu, 2007-10-04 at 17:02 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>     I was hacked last month and had a simple password for my name which 
> is internal and only seen here in my room or, I forgot, a person using 
> ssh. This German hacker just turned on my firefox web browser several 
> times to a German web page that never fully loads up. I was happy 
> because he could have done something worse.
>     Well he did. While using the web browser it would sudden change to a 
> full screen colored thing and my mouse and keyboard stopped working. 
> Today I went to the source of my Firefox and it is at 
> /home/karl/work/firefox/. There are about 30 files there and I studied 
> them and there were two that looked odd. I did ls -al and found they 
> were made the same day I was hacked! Then looked and they were 
> exicutables and I deleted both. This seems to have stopped this problem.
>     Time will tell but it is just like the German's to do this kind of 
> thing. It hurts and they don't give a crap.

I almost hate to say it: "SELinux".

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