[Fedora] Re: SELinux Attack!

Andy Green andy at warmcat.com
Fri Oct 12 16:30:00 UTC 2007

Somebody in the thread at some point said:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>> Sure Andy but I think I just proved SELinux IS the problem and it is a
>> big problem! I did the suggested relabel and rebooted and the computer
>> cam up fast as it should.
> Good!
> I suggested this to Karl, because I had a situation where messing with
> selinux rpms (i.e., uninstalling/reinstalling) had resulted in cups
> being disabled. (Everything else worked, apparently.) So don't
> immediately dismiss Karl's claims...

Yeah I don't dismiss his "claims".  Maybe his problems are to do with
selinux, who knows.

I just dismiss how quickly he gets to choose "selinux" as today's
culprit.  It's a bit like watching a Creationist do debugging.
"Starting from the FACT in my BOOK that selinux is the culprit..."

Better to track what you think you don't know as carefully as what you
think you do know, and be ready to disbelieve what you were working with
a minute ago.  When you follow those rules most things you say become
speculative and tentative until you have the whole story.


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