OT: Strange Apache Log entry on FC6

Styma, Robert E (Robert) stymar at alcatel-lucent.com
Thu Sep 6 20:34:23 UTC 2007

This is somewhat off topic, but since it involves an
apache web server on my FC6 machine, I am hoping it
is on topic enough to give me a clue.

Looking at my server logs, I see the normal attacks on
various files all which get a 404 since I just use this for

I noticed the following two entries which had code of 200
which indicated that they worked.  Note that I am not www.intel.com. - - [03/Sep/2007:09:15:11 -0700] "GET
HTTP/1.0" 200 4270 - - [03/Sep/2007:09:15:11 -0700] "GET
HTTP/1.0" 200 4270

I have not found the right google keyword combination to shed any light
on why my server thought it could resolve this get request.  I suspect
is some flaw in my apache configuration (set up with the GUI).

Can someone explain what is going on and is there a straightforward
to plugging the hole?  (Or at least some good keywords what I have not

Thank you

Bob S
Phoenix, AZ, USA

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