Internet traffic and Azureus -

Res res at
Tue Sep 25 11:02:29 UTC 2007

On Tue, 25 Sep 2007, Andy Green wrote:

> There are all sorts of laws in other countries, probably .au too, about
> what you are allowed to "monitor", especially when it is to do with
> email.  Just a FYI.

I know the laws vary country to country, i dont need to know what it is 
anywhere but here, I know in some countries they are not permitted to 
monitor anything at all, its not that we do it for the hell of it, its 
because we have a reason, id much rather listen to the radio and drink my 
de-caf :)

> If someone is offering a service at a particular bandwidth, I am paying
> the bills, then of course if I want to max out that service 24/7 I will
> do so.  (Typically my traffic too is silent 90% of the time and bursty
> the rest, but it's not the point).  Whose fault is it they set the
> contention ratio -- for profit -- too high?  Not mine, I paid for the

you dont run an isp network do you, in fact youve nefver had anything to 
do with running of one have you :) I can tell because you have no factual 
grasp on reality on whats involved.
If you think its a profitable business model to do a 1:1 for 70 bucks a 
month and flatline your conenction 24/7, then why dont you start your own 
ISP :) but, you have to only take on custoemrs like0mionded in other words 
you cant do what every otehr isp doesm and thats allow the ones paying teh 
same dollar as you but barely use 1G a month off-set your costs.

> Clearly we are on different sides of the fence on this issue.

of course, you are a user who wants everything for nothing, you know how 
many times  ive heard your line of reasoning before over the past 10 plus 
years? I couldnt tell you, ive lost count, im sure i could easily retire 
by now if i had 5 dollars each time though.

So well have to agree to disagree



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