Moving F7

Karl Larsen k5di at
Thu Sep 27 11:28:54 UTC 2007

Tim wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-09-26 at 15:32 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
>> OK the disk is the new one. What modules are being talked about? 
>> What is a module? 
> A module is extra routines that the kernel uses for some function, that
> can be loaded as needed, or not bothered with.  The functions could all
> be put permanently into the kernel, but that means it gets bigger and
> bigger, needlessly (*most* people do not use *all* the modules).
> I think, from reading your threads, that when you moved from one drive
> to another, you've moved from one type of drive to another (IDE to
> SATA), and a different driver may be needed to read from the other
> drive, with that driver being in a module that's not currently
> incorporated into your initrd.
> If that's the case, you need to remake the initrd (the mkinitrd
> command), so it includes the module.  Organising re-making it's
> something I've only done in the dusty path, so I couldn't really advise
> too well about it.  But if this is the issue at hand, someone ought to
> be able to step in and help with it.
> Educated guesswork:  If you can still boot from the other drive, and it
> can access the new one, you might be able to simply mkinitrd in that
> environment, and it'll include all the modules currently being used that
> it needs to.
Right now I am getting update's that include another kernel. It appears 
that nVIDIA is being updated too. All this activity must be redone if I 
want to move this F7 to another hard drive.

    I have looked at /lib/modules and the first email to my topic said 
it all. "You may need to update your modules". There are thousands of 
modules there. No way can I figure out which one to change. I gather no 
one else knows either. It would have helped if he said kernel modules.

    But the only thing that makes sense is to load a new F7 on the SATA 
hard drive. Then move /home to that F7 and let it update all night. This 
I can do. The module route requires too much learning I don't need to have.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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