Need help with partitioning

Peter Boy pboy at
Fri Aug 8 17:55:32 UTC 2008

Am Freitag, den 08.08.2008, 10:07 -0700 schrieb Adil Drissi:
> I've a laptop of 50GB. I am using the half for fedora 8 and i want to
>  use the rest for windows. I made a lot of modifications to the
>  partition in previous installations by win or fedora and now i want
>  you to help me figure it the right way.

An often discussed topic.

Given you will "do it right" and don't need to preserve the current
partitions I would boot from a Fedora live CD or rescue system and use
fdisk to partition the disk by fdisk /dev/sda

prim partion 1:  24 gb hpfs
prim partion 2:  50 gb ext3 (for boot, you may safely ignore 
                 the warning)
prim partion 3:  500 mb swap
prim partion 4:  rest of the disk for LVM

8 - 10 gb lvSYS  for the root file system
10 gb     lvHOME for /home

you may have about 2 gb unallocated which you can use later by lvm
manager according to your needs.

For root: 8 gb is enough for normal use (office desktop) and if you
don't install "all" software packages. 10 gb is pretty much comfortable
in this case, but you may need it for /home.

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