xine-lib-1.1.15.tar.bz2 builds successfullly! and mail options

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at
Fri Aug 15 01:20:14 UTC 2008

Dear all,

This is a new thread with regards to some questions brought up in another thread:

Re: F8(1) vs multimedia production(0)

Rex encouraged me to try buiding xine-lib from source since he has been successfull doing it.  I have tried following his encouragement, and what do you know.  It works!!  I now have latest xine-lib and xine-ui working nicely.  I have mplayer.  I only need vlc.  I will take a look into that one later with the problems discussed about ffmpeg and ffmeg-devel.
I had previously encountered many problems since Fedora 3, 4, 5 and 6.  I had used Miguel's rpms from

and they worked for me, but since a good while they have not been updated, and they conflict with the xine-lib* package that comes with Fedora.  I am grateful to Rex for encouraging me to try this out.  I feared that it was not going to work, but it did.  Thanks for the encouragement! :)

2/3 for my favorite multimedia players.  Not bad :)

Also, about the mail options from yahoo.  I have a gmail account as well, but I am used to yahoo mail.  I will ask again if everybody sees problems with my posts(* other than personal *) with respect to replies and 
">" when I reply to them?  If there are then I might consider moving my fedora subscriptions to the gmail account.  Thank you for advice provided and I will see how I can not confuse mail quotes any more.  




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