F9 EeePC packagekit problem

Beartooth Beartooth at swva.net
Wed Aug 20 16:43:49 UTC 2008

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 11:11:10 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

> On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 15:18 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
>>         Should I just abort the cleanup with Ctrl-C, and proceed
>> directly to yum update? Would it be useful to try rpm --rebuilddb
>> first??
> Try it. If it works, fine. If not, uou may have hit the notorious
> "hanging rpm" problem. If so,
> Once that's done, do:
> # rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.*
> and try again.

	I did all of thet, and had to remove three __db files and an 
empty one. Many thanks! I'd never've managed all that.

> (Personally I prefer to use "yum update" from the command line so I can
> see what's going on. PackageKit is too "user-friendly" for my taste).

	I prefer yum when I know the names of the things I want to add or 
remove. For clearing out what to me is cruft (including games, chat, and 
telephone stuff, none of which I run) I used to do pirut -- twice, once 
by class, and again alphabetically. There are scads of things I 
recognize, when I see their names, as wanted or unwanted, but can't put a 
name to; nor can I tell how many there are.

	I think, in time, PackageKit will become an improvement on pirut; 
but it isn't yet, for me. It's better than nothing, by a long chalk; but 
while it's developing and getting *more* user-friendly (including by 
letting me size its window!), I wish I could get pirut back, just to get 
the job done and get it over with.

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 7, 8 & 9; Alpine 1.10, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2, Epiphany 2, Opera 9, Firefox 2 & 3
Remember I know precious little of what I am talking about.

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