Suggestions to change default background on F9

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at
Mon Aug 4 19:13:35 UTC 2008

I've recently done updates on my Archlinux install, which have upgraded KDE 
from 3.5 to 4.1. the background is awfull, and is black with some sort of 
midnight blue spiral galaxy sort of thing near the top. Text is white on a 
black background, and my eyes have problems with this. I messed around with 
right clicking on the desktop, and adding a wallpaper, which was worse. There 
appears to be no way of changing the background now. I then went to "system 
settings", and colours, then tried to change the colour, and it least in 
Archlinux for one of my user names, I now have a totally black screen, and 
with difficulty can just about see the mouse pointer. Left click, right 
click, any old click, but no menus, no panel, no nothing.

I don't want to mess this up on my F9 install, so is there anyway to change 
the background to what I consider to be the normal one I see on Fedora 
installs (a mid blue one), and with a white panel with black text. This is 
with KDE of course.

Apologies to not wanting to be on the cutting edge of the latest and greatest 
graphics experience, but my eyes don't work well with white text on a black 

Thanks for any suggestions.


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