some feedback on fedora 10

stan goedigi89__e at
Mon Dec 1 18:18:23 UTC 2008

Russell Miller wrote:

> 3)  One thing I would really, really like - and I'm half tempted to just 
> write it myself - is a tool to take the stock fedora kernel and build a 
> new one - with the options that *I* want.  Building a new kernel is a 
> pain in the kiester, and the lack of a good tool to do so (I'm not aware 
> of one and a quick search on freshmeat doesn't turn one up) is kind 
> of...  surprising, considering that the kernel has been around for so 
> many years.  Is it that much of a black art?

It cannot be fully automatic unless you want to default lots 
of options, then you might as well just use the default 
kernel .config.

Here is a link to the kernel compile documentation for fedora.|(source)

And another link good for cross referencing

But there is no reason there can't be a script that examines 
all the hardware present on the system, and creates a 
.config that reflects that.  All those modules for sound 
cards, network cards, etc go away.  Well no reason other 
than it would take a significant amount of work and require 
continuous updates for all new hardware.  :-)

Then the user runs menuconfig to choose the options that 
they want.

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