F10: Can't add printer on fresh install

Schlueri schlueri-lists at schlicker.org
Mon Dec 8 13:06:16 UTC 2008

Hey there, 

i try to add a printer with system-config-printer. Clicking on "New
Printer" starts a *never ending* search for printers. 

I've tried to add a printer with https://localhost:631/admin . After
entering a name and click on "Continue", nothing but "waiting for

==> /var/log/cups/error_log <==
I [08/Dec/2008:13:59:05 +0100] Started
"/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-deviced" (pid=4190)

==> /var/log/cups/error_log <==
E [08/Dec/2008:14:01:04 +0100] PID 4203
(/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-driverd) crashed on signal 9!

Any ideas?


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