Graphics tablets and Fedora 8

David Kramer david at
Sun Feb 3 18:44:06 UTC 2008

Anders Karlsson wrote:
> Hi there,
> I would like to know what experiences people have with graphics
> tablets in Fedora, which ones can be recommended and which ones, if
> any, can be used to replace the mouse.
> My reason for asking? I am starting to get RSI problems with my right
> hand, and I am strongly suspecting the laptop I use, its
> keyboard/trackpoint combination. I'm already using Dvorak keyboard
> layout to reduce finger movement. If there are other alternatives
> (maybe trackball or similar may work, I don't know) you can tell me
> about, own experiences etc., I'd be happy to receive them.

Sorry if this gets a little OT wrt this list, but this is a problem for 
a lot of geeks.

First of all, there are a lot of different form factors for mice.  I 
found switching to a trackball helped my RSI a lot.  But the biggest 
improvement came the hardest.  I learned to mouse with either hand, and 
I would switch off as one would get worse.  At work, I have a trackball 
on either side of my keyboard, and can now use either one just as well.

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