how would you backup 1TB of data to dvds?

Lamar Owen lowen at
Sun Feb 10 04:12:36 UTC 2008

On Saturday 09 February 2008, Jacques B. wrote:
> On Feb 9, 2008 9:48 PM, Lamar Owen <lowen at> wrote:
> > On Saturday 09 February 2008, Craig White wrote:
> > > we all see things through our own lenses and mathematically it is
> > > impractical to consider backing up 1,000 units in 4.5 unit chunks when
> > > so many other mechanisms exist that can chunk in much larger
> > > increments.

> > That was up to the OP to decide, not the folks on this list.  Giving a
> > 'well, this tool, scdbackup, will do what you want, but backing up 1TB on
> > 4.5GB disks isn't really practical' is much more helpful and much less
> > confrontational.  No?  It took me all of one minute to get the google
> > string right to find this tool.

> I disagree that most took the tone you suggested.  I know I didn't.
> The OP's question was what would you use to back up 1TB of data onto
> DVDs.  My response was I wouldn't do that.  I would back up to another
> drive.  

He asked for a specific tool recommendation, not a lesson in business-grade 
backup solutions like I would use for my pair of EMC CX3-10c's.  Craig is one 
who answered with a specific tool that could do what the OP wanted to do.

> As for you finding an answer to his question in "all of one minute"
> using Google, then that begs the question why couldn't the OP have
> done as much? 

I knew precisely what to search for; perhaps the OP didn't.  I actually was 
searching for information on whether raw tar multiparts (I used to do tar 
multiparts to 8 inch floppies on my 70MB Tandy 6000 system; in fact, the OS 
and dev kit were distributed as tar multiparts on 8 inch floppies; 14 of them 
for the dev kit) would work written straight to the DVD; the link that 
suggested scdbackup was on page six or seven of the search results, about 45 
seconds into the search or thereabouts (I read at over 1600 words per 
minute); a quick search on just scdbackup yielded the page.  Had I not 
searched specifically for the tar multipart writing I would not have found it 
as quickly.

> Good, honest, constructive debate is never a bad thing in 
> these situations where several viable options exists.

Debate is never good if the original question is not answered to the 
questioner's satisfaction.  The OP's later replies made if fairly obvious 
that he thought the advice to not be particularly useful to him.  And if the 
thread's replies do not serve the needs of the OP they either shouldn't be 
replies, or they should be posts on another thread.

Hrmph, he could have had his 50GB burnt to DVD's by the time this thread got 
good and started had he gotten a straight answer, like Craig's advice to use 
bacula, to begin with.
Lamar Owen

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