mod_ssl or openssl?

Michael A. Peters mpeters at
Tue Feb 12 06:51:22 UTC 2008

Alain Spineux wrote:
> On Feb 11, 2008 1:07 PM, David Jansen <jansen at> wrote:
>> A weird question, but when contacting my internet provider to purchase an
>> SSL certificate through them, they asked whether it should be for
>> Apache mod_ssl or for Apache + openssl.
>> But as far as I can see from the apache documentation and output eg from
>> phpinfo, apache is linked against openssl and mod_ssl is loaded (and
>> running ldd on shows me, that that too is linked to the
>> openssl libraries, as I expected)
>> So, what does the question from my provider mean, and how can I figure
>> out which type of SSL my server needs?
> Maybe the 3 first link can help you to make the diff between both.
> Do you know, You cangenerate self signed certificate yourself ?
> Their is lot of howto on the web.

Yes - and every time I visit his https website I'll get a notification 
that the certificate isn't from a recognized authority ... on more than 
one occasion that has resulted in me not spending money at a vendors 

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