Cached memory

Brian Chadwick brianchad at
Wed Feb 27 23:39:11 UTC 2008

Frank Cox wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 07:40:58 -0800 (PST)
> Tom Spec <samag70-ignore at> wrote:
>> Is there a kernel parameter or something I can tune to limit the amount of memory that will be used for cache (i.e. 144 in this example)?  Let's say I never wanted that to go past 64.
> This isn't an actual answer to your question, but why would you want to do
> that?  Otherwise unused memory that's not being used for cache is, well,
> unused.  Is there any particular reason why you would not want to use your
> system's resources to the fullest extent?
my thoughts exactly...linux will release memory from cache when its 
needed for applications automatically

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