Passing password in ssh

Kenneth Lee ken.lee at
Tue Jan 22 18:53:34 UTC 2008

Why not just add the specific client to the known_hosts file on the
host.  A quick google search will give you several answers.  The
second one I found was:

Automatic SSH/SCP Login without Password

   1. generate on your LOCAL machine a keypair with: ssh-keygen -t rsa
(dont type in any password, just keep hitting enter)
   2. make sure your private key resides under ~/.ssh (under windows
this can be under c:\documents and settings\yourname\.ssh or under
c:\cygwin\home\yourname depending on your ssh-keygen tool which you
need to download
   3. file transfer the PUBLIC key to the machine you which to
automatically logon to. Under the directory ~/.ssh (create it if
necessary) concatenate your public key with the file authorized_keys
(create file if needed)
   4. make sure the authorized_keys not read or modifiable by group or
others my doing chmod 700 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
   5. make sure the ~/.ssh directory on the REMOTE machine is not read
or modifiable by group or others my doing chmod 700 ~/.ssh
   6. You may need to enable empty password authentication (need root
access) on the REMOTE machine in the config file sshd_config. Make
"permitemptypasswords yes". Restart SSH Daemon on REMOTE.
   7. On some machines, you may also need to make sure your HOME
directory is not writable by group or world. Type chmod 700 ~

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