That ole Livna Problem/That ole VLC Problem

Axel Thimm Axel.Thimm at
Sat Jan 26 08:55:26 UTC 2008

On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 12:24:39PM -0600, Les Mikesell wrote:
> Axel Thimm wrote:
>> Or paraphrased: You can't have a technical soultion for a inter-human
>> problem. If the packagers don't talk to each other in a forthcomming
>> way then you can have some depsolver be intelligent enough to avoid
>> breakage.
> Could a technical solution at least identify the conflicts?  That is, could 
> a program walk through the files available in some number of different 
> repos, find the overlapping set of files and then do something to test for 
> at least obvious breakage in terms of library requirements, etc?  Aren't 
> the computers supposed to be smarter than us these days - or at least 
> faster at the grunge work?

Imagine foo depending on bar having feature baz enabled. How should a
smarter-than-us computer decide whether bar was built with baz enabled
or not?

You can use file matching to identify 90% of the issues, and several
other heuristics to find some more issues, but you will always have a
large dark number of inccompatibilites that you can't trace other than
trial and failure methods.
Axel.Thimm at
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