Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Sat Jan 26 13:02:48 UTC 2008

On Fri, 25 Jan 2008, Karl Larsen wrote:

> Brian Gaynor wrote:

> > Just because you're not capable of or unwilling to use the
> > suggestions people have offered is no reason to behave like an
> > impolite jerk. The answer you are hoping for may not exist, be
> > grateful people on this list are still willing to give you any
> > answer at all.

>    Well they fail to understand what I want. Then they take a simple
> example and spend all evening showing it is easy to find an answer.
> I hope the message I sent to the Fedora Docs list results in more
> than I get here.

not likely, when that message reads:

"I am looking for a user paper that explains how grub works and how
you set it up with the Rescue DVD and such. I see nothing and guys on
the Fedora List know nothing."

just a suggestion, karl -- when you describe an entire mailing list
community as stupid, the quality of responses to your plaintive cries
for help tend to go down in a hurry.  it's funny how that works.


Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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