lvm re-install strategy

François Patte francois.patte at
Mon Jan 28 21:28:53 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1


I have an fc6 install with LVM and want install f8.

I have 3 hdd: sda, sdb, sdc.

sda has 1 partition: sda1 LVM

sdb has 2 partitions: sdb1 ext3
                      sdb2 LVM

sdc has 1 partition: sdc1 LVM

sdc1 and sdb2 are in the same volume group.

System in living in sdb and sdc and sda is practically free.

The root partition / is on sdb1 and all other vital partitions (/usr,
swap, /var, /opt, /tmp and /home) are logical volumes on sdc1.

My idea is to perform the new install on sda: sda1 will be the root
partition /, and build a volume group sda2 for /usr, swap, /opt /tmp and
/var; /home will be left where it is.

Here begins my problem: I would like, after install retrieve (almost)
all files from fc6 install. For /home, there is no problem, I think
that, at install time, I will be be asked if I want to keep my /home
volume wherever it is. But for other volumes (/var where my dns config
is...) or /opt (where my texmf and some other out of standard are) I
don't know how to get them once the new system will be installed.

How could I access to these partitions for, now, they are mounted on
/dev/mapper/.... but these devices are created at boot time in the /dev
which is on sdb1 and, even if I mount /dev/sdb1 from the fresh install,
I will be unable to access them because the new system is mounted on

I don't know how to proceed.... If someone could give me some lights, I
will be happy.

Another (related) question: is it possible, through grub, to have the 2
systems (f8 and fc6) working? I mean, not at the same time but possibly
choosen at boot time? what are the magic command to give before
installing the bootloader, during the installation of f8, in order to
get this possibility.

Thanks for any answer.

- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 44 55 35 61
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