WARNING: Flash might kill all your sound

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Sun Jan 13 00:30:31 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-01-12 at 19:22 -0500, David C. Chipman wrote:
> 	Hi Craig, 
> 		I don't think your solution works, Craig. I found that
> the sound from the YouTube videos vanished after I installed
> libflashsupport. How do I know if I'm using pluseaudio. I have several
> packages installed, but libflashsupport trashed the flash-plugin sound
> support. Later, 
as far as I know, the only purpose for libflashsupport is to enable
pulseaudio to provide sound from flash-plugin.

If you had flash-plugin sound previous to installing libflashsupport,
then clearly you aren't using pulseaudio.

Unfortunately, my F8 installation is my desktop at work and I am at home
so I can't help with any identification.


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