Wake On LAN on Fedora 7?

Adalbert Prokop adalbert.prokop at gmx.de
Wed Jan 16 21:23:08 UTC 2008

Andrew Junev wrote on Wednesday 16 January 2008:

> The problem is that the 'wake-on' parameter changes to 'd' (disabled)
> when I shut the machine down, so WOL does not work.

One problem I've seen is shutting down the NIC. When ifdown is executed, 
all WOL settings are lost. The solution is pretty easy: bring the card up 
just before the machine is powered off.

Copy this snippet to /sbin/halt.local where it will be called 
from /etc/init.d/halt on shutdown.

ifconfig eth0 up
ethtool -s eth0 wol g

No changes to any files are required. YMMV. ;)


When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite. -- Winston 
Churchill, on formal declarations of war

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